Retina is the lining in the inner surface of eye made up of light sensitive layer of tissues. Function of retina is to send visual messages to the brain though optic nerve. So, any defect in the layers of retina may lead to defective vision. If you are suffering out of any clouding, bleeding, inflammation or infection and cancer you need to consult a retina specialist. Retina clinic at V-Trust eye acre specialized in diagnosis, treatment and management of medical and surgical retinal diseases and ocular imaging techniques.

Uncontrolled diabetes and hypertension can lead to gradual blindness from damage to the retina of the eye. These lifestyle diseases leads to increased vitreo-retinal problems in elder people. Visual impairment due to diabetes needs to be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible. Early diagnosis and treatment are essential for this asymptomatic condition.

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Koyilandy +91 7902666631
Balussery +91 9072201050
Thamarasery +91 9072314474
Vadakara +91 9447699020

Common problems of retina

Services provided by V-trust

At v trust eye care we treats diseases and conditions of retina. It includes surgical and laser treatment of diseases such as retinal detachments, diabetic retinopathy, and others. Our retinal clinic has the necessary infrastructure, well trained professionals and capacity to handle patients who are suffering with retinal problems.